WHITEHOUSEWORLD #1 Another New Beginning / by aaron whitehouse

New moons are good for new beginnings and boy oh boy do we have a big one. The Amelia Island chapter of our lives has come to a close. After nearly a decade of calling this beautiful island home, we drove over the bridge with a deep sense of love and gratitude for our experiences there and set our sights forward to this new “Nomadic Season” in our lives. Our very loose plan is to spend plenty of time in nature over the next year living in our van, chasing surf, hiking mountains, and connecting with friends and family all over North America. Also, after about a 9 year hiatus I am releasing some new music and putting out a solo record on vinyl this fall. To celebrate this new beginning, there is a link below to your preferred platform (Spotify/Apple Music/Itunes) to the first single from the record to play on your summer soundtrack as you make new memories on vacation or lounge by the pool. It’s called “Summer Hues” and it’s a song about transformation. Hope to see you somewhere down the line…

Meet our van.

His name is “Redding” aptly named after the character Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding in Shawshank Redemption who helped Andy Dufrane escape to freedom. I think Otis Redding might be mixed in there somehow too with regards to songwriting and music, but I guess we can figure that out more as we go.

